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Website by Ascender
We will discuss fees with you during your consultation so that you know exactly how much you will need to pay and when. If you would like to discuss the basis of our costs, or suitable dental insurance policies, please ask your dentist.
General Fees Treatments Implant Orthodontics Endodontics Child Fees
All fees are based around the hourly rate of £340 per hour
Please note that composite and amalgam fillings are charged within the AGP banding.
(Teeth have highly variable number of roots and canals)
Fees are different for Pratik Shah. Please see separate notice.
Study models (fee will be discussed)
If your own dentist is restoring the implant:
Fee for the implant placement - from £1150
Uncovering appointment - £200
All the above fees provide a guide to total treatment costs. As there is great variation in the complexity of orthodontic treatment prices may change. Following your orthodontic consultation you will be provided with a written quotation outlining your total fee.
Occasionally further radiographs are indicated for treatment planning purposes. This will be payable to the imaging centre directly if required.
Most cases will require root canal retreatment and a CBCT scan.
Prices will be based on the adult hourly rate fee scale.
The child’s behaviour in the chair will be taken into consideration as this may require extra time.
Most fees are based on £340 per hour.
Failed appointments will be charged at half the hourly rate (pro rata).
All fees are a guide only and a personalised written estimate will be provided. Treatment options occasionally change during procedures. We will always endeavour to inform you as soon as possible of potential changes in treatment and associated costs.
Please note that the treatment needs to be completed by Pratik Shah
Please note all fees are a guide only and a personalised written estimate will be provided. Treatment options occasionally change during procedures. We will always endeavour to inform you as soon as possible of potential changes in treatment and associated costs.
* deducted from the total treatment cost
All the above fees provide a guide to total treatment costs. As there is great variation in the complexity of orthodontic treatment prices may change. Following your orthodontic consultation you will be provided with a written quotation outlining your total fee.
Occasionally further radiographs are indicated for treatment planning purposes. This will be payable to the imaging centre directly if required.